Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishThe Latest Angular Features Everyone Should KnowUnlocking the future of web development in Angular TypeScriptSep 11, 2024113Sep 11, 2024113
Published inITNEXTThe Adapter Pattern in TypeScriptA real-world exampleSep 3, 20243042Sep 3, 20243042
Published inITNEXTWhy Beginners Shouldn’t Search for the ‘Best’ Programming LanguageGain insight into why you can’t call any programming language the ‘best’ to better understand which questions you should be asking instead.Sep 2, 202410Sep 2, 202410
Published inITNEXTAngular Markdown with Stackedit.jsHow to create an Angular directive to write and parse markdown to HTML using Stackedit.jsNov 18, 2020174Nov 18, 2020174
Published inITNEXTScrape the Web Faster, in Go with ChromedpA fast and simple way to interact with browsers supporting the Chrome DevTools Protocol in Go.Nov 11, 20203891Nov 11, 20203891
Published inITNEXTHow to Write Bug-Free Goroutines in Go (Golang)Here are the concurrency best practices for predictable, reliable, and bug-free Go code.Nov 9, 20204393Nov 9, 20204393
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishThe Hardest Parts of Learning AngularAngular doesn’t have a learning curve, it has a learning cliff. But which parts are the hardest to grasp?Nov 4, 20205525Nov 4, 20205525
Published inITNEXTHow to Create a Go (Golang) API on Google App EngineA simple walkthrough on creating an API with a Server, written in Go, to deploy to Google App Engine.Nov 3, 20202891Nov 3, 20202891
Published inBetter ProgrammingThe Problems That Ethereum 2.0 Proof-of-Stake Aims to SolveWhat does it mean for the network, building on it, and crypto mining?Oct 26, 20203621Oct 26, 20203621
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishHow to Create a Dynamic Sitemap using Firestore and Cloud FunctionsAn easy way to automate the creation of sitemap.xml files, using Firebase Firestore data, that reflects our growing web content.Oct 23, 20201382Oct 23, 20201382
Published inJavaScript in Plain English‘Dumb’ Angular — Input Setter/Getter vs NgOnChangesUnderstanding the right way to pass data to Dumb Angular components through NgOnChanges and Input bindings.Oct 14, 20204204Oct 14, 20204204
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishThe Beauty of the Optional Chaining Operator (?.) in TypeScriptOptional Chaining offers a new way to refactor our TypeScript and JavaScript code. TypeScript 3.7 presents Elvis (?.)Oct 12, 202073Oct 12, 202073
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishHow to Use JSON-LD for Advanced SEO in AngularA guide to dynamically inserting JSON-LD markup in Angular to increase our chances of rich results, knowledge cards, and pleasing the…Jun 3, 20201093Jun 3, 20201093
Published inJavaScript in Plain English4 Ways to Write More Effective TypeScriptWriting effective TypeScript involves understanding its purpose, rethinking your approach, avoiding common bad practices, and using…May 27, 2020318May 27, 2020318
Published inJavaScript in Plain English6 Pure Angular Pipes for Human-Readable UICustom Angular Pipes that improve UI, promote ‘DRY’ principles, and tackle real-world problems.May 21, 20203782May 21, 20203782
Published inITNEXTSmoother UX on Page Load with Angular ResolversResolving your data quickly with Angular resolvers improves page loading, user experience, and lets you handle errors immediately. We’ll…May 12, 20202343May 12, 20202343
Published inITNEXT4 Ways to Listen to Page Scrolling for Dynamic UI in Angular ft. RXJSAn explanation, demonstrating 4 methods of listening to window scroll events to implement functionality such as Infinite Scrolling…May 11, 20203484May 11, 20203484
Published inThe StartupTypeScript Rescued the JavaScript LanguageIt brought scalability through static typing, improved developer tooling, and OOP features to a flawed and frustrating language for the…Jan 17, 20201155Jan 17, 20201155
Published inITNEXTMaster Your Network With Unix Command Line ToolsUnix Based/OSX Command-Line Networking Tools to Analyze, Configure & Control Your Network.Jan 12, 202023Jan 12, 202023
Published inThe StartupSwift Programming, More Than Just an ‘Apple Language’The new(ish) language used to develop software for all things Apple/IOS is growing… with bigger plans. Is it fit for server-side…Jan 9, 20203186Jan 9, 20203186